Our Vestry
Doris Brennan
Senior Warden
Doris Brennan has served as our Senior Warden since January 2022. She was born in Brooklyn. She lived in New Jersey for a couple of years and spent most of her life on Long Island. She went to college at Oneonta in upstate New York. She taught at Patchogue-Medford for 33 years. Three years after she retired, she moved to The Villages. Doris was received into the Episcopal Church in 1990, having been born and raised Roman Catholic. She served on the Vestry and School Board of St. Anselm’s on the Island. She has been coming to Holy Trinity for 13 years, and currently serves as Senior Warden on the Vestry. She is also on the School Board. According to her, she tries to participate in as much of the Church Life as possible. She worships at the 8am service where she is one of the Church “huggers". She also enjoys going to New Comer Dinners to meet our newest members in a small intimate environment. Doris loves being a part of Holy Trinity because of the warmth and love it emits.
Bob Freeman
Junior Warden
Russ Casson
Debbie Lally
Mandy Panlilio
This is Mandy Panlilio. She and her daughter Lili have been members of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church for around 7 years. Mandy expresses that Holy Trinity is "a wonderful big family of caring and helping people and we are proud to be a part of a wonderful church." Whether it's the 10:30AM worship service, monthly golfing, school fundraiser, school/Parish picnic, Holy trinity does a lot of activities together as a big family. Mandy is serving her third term on the Vestry. She has been on the Altar Guild for several years. She is also in the Holy Hackers Team where they golf every first Saturday of the month, and occasionally she helps volunteer for food at coffee hour after church. When her daughter, Lili, was younger, she served as an Acolyte. Mandy has a beautiful daughter and mother. She works helping people with little or no income doing her passion every day. She was born and raised in Fruitland Park, FL, so she grew up with and knows everyone in town. Her favorite things are her family, friends, church, going to the gym, and golf. She and her family love animals. She has a chocolate Lab named Cooper and a bunny named Cadberry. She loves dogs, cats, kittens, and other animals.
Other Members:
Steve Knowles
Robin Michell
Judy Gygi
Pat Fleming
Jim Kelly